Jingji L3 Vertical key cutting machine
- Number:SKE-061
- Price:Landing price
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Jingji L3 Vertical key cutting machine
1.Calibration system indicated by LED light makes precisely cutting
6.Structured with aluminum alloyed casting technique guarantees absence of vibration during cutting phase
1.Cutter ins erti ng knob
Competitive L3 parameters and functions:
Machine Accessories List:
2.Cutter s et up/ r em ov e button
3.Armres t support
4.Cali bration light
5.X, Y axi s slide handl e
6.Cutter ins ert axis
7.LED light
8.Trac er ins ert axis
9.J aw tilting ac tivate k nob
10.Cl am p to s ec ure k ey blank
11.J aw s ecure/ remove bar
12.X ax is movement l ocki ng bar
13.Cutting depth l ock ing handle
14.Tracer grip l ockr ing
15.Tracer depths adjustment k nob
16.Power so cke t A C110 V/2 20V
17.Ca librat ion lig ht
18.Cutting speed c ontrol knob
19.Calibration button
20.Main power sw itc h
21.Clamp to secure original key